over at the
GPP Blog; the GPP is now an even more all-inclusive organization.
also, I love Annie Menebroker's book
Tiny Teeth. thanks, Annie for sending it to me. you people out there should
buy it, mostly for poems like this:
Deadly Curewhy do you deny yourself
being alive?
the steady drone of bees
spills out of your eyes
you are a worker
educated to caution
conservative as a bow-tie
who has told you
this is the way of the world?
who has drawn the map?
nightly I dream of magic
and its invasion
only to find the world
has discovered another vaccine
man that's some good shit. I also got Doug Draime and Misti Rainwater-Lite's edition of
Next Exit from
KSE and it's a fine bit of work, especially the poems that center on Texas, and the poem about Big Sur (which is a monster, I think by Doug). great stuff and well worth four or five bucks (and pick up Bill's
Norwich Unveiled while you're at it, a moving long poem, full of fantastic images and strong lines, with stylistic echoes of Jeffers...).
hey, check out
Father Luke, a new GPP Operative and generally interesting motherfucker.
this on Kerouac is a good read.
Nate Graziano is going to appear on
New Hampshire Public Radio today talking about his
sunnyoutside book. tune in and support one of the very best writers working today.
more later...