Monday, May 23, 2011

check it out...

if you like, you can go check out my first attempt at eBook publishing. it's priced right, free, and you can download it in any number of formats. it's two short stories, both of which have appeared before elsewhere, with a cover by Cyn. it's basically an experiment to see if my sorry ass old brains still work and I can am be learnding new thingses.

in the future, I think I'll probably put up some unpublished stuff for $0.99 or so, and maybe some longer stuff for a bit more. I'm thinking about putting up some of my out of print poetry books as well, but we'll see. farming is a shitload of work, and there isn't much time in the spring and summer for anything but survival.

you can find it H E R E.


Blogger Poet Hound said...

Way to go! I like this on-line e-book availability. The first story was my favorite, so many ways to read into it, so easy to picture the two women smoking on the couch. Keep the stories coming!

12:04 PM  
Blogger christopher cunningham said...

thanks so much paula! yes, I too have found it to be a good way to make some things available for free to anyone who likes to take a chance, then I think at some point I'll probably put up some unpublished things/old chaps/etc. for a tiny amount of dough, see what happens....

it beats waiting on response times/publication times/whims, etc...

thanks as always for reading!

2:15 PM  

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