how does our media machine tolerate
this type of shit? I'll tell you: because people aren't awake enough, and certainly aren't pissed enough. as long as raw sensation and cynically manipulated outrage are the order of the day, as long as the punditocracy and the hateful, self-loathing, ugly creatures that ooze from their plastic loins dominate the political discussion in this country, as long as people are willing to tolerate pure inhumanity for the sake of "spectacle" and book sales, this is the world we will enjoy.
and really, is this what people want? or is it being fed to us by those with agendas and money interests? is it the type of thing that is designed to outrage the left so they support specific people/ideas/etc, just like the right gets outraged by gays and evolution and abortion? does it just play into the "good cop/bad cop" system of government we currently suffer? what the fuck and how does this go on? are we not ALL HUMAN, MANN COULTER, you fucking whore? who talks like this? killers, fascists,
evil demons, serial murderers...
information, facts, multiple sources and the ability to think with compassion, clarity and an overarching sense of humanity are the only way to crush the motherfucking shit out of this kind of mentality.
as for those who espouse these beliefs, either for shock value and cash or for the pure miserable joy of genuine shitheeled assholery, there may be only the deepest, most violent of
actual crushing...