Sunday, November 30, 2008
The savages come out in force, a day after gorging on Turkey and stuffing, to purchase television sets, video games, and computers at five in the morning. The savages have been brainwashed that on "Black Friday," the day after Thanksgiving they must come out. If it means trampling other people to death or shooting someone else to get what they want, this is what they must do. In my neighborhood I saw people in tents outside of Best Buy three days before "Black Friday." I did not understand why they were out there at the time, until I read the story of the employee at Wal-Mart being trampled or the two people gunned downed at Toys r Us. If anything is to be understood about this, is that some people are savages, and that "greed" plays a part in this "Black Friday" idiocy.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
KSE last poems...
just got the KSE Last Poems chap in the mail and it's a fine read (great poems by Luis Berriozabal and Adrian Manning), but my god, the poem by Glenn Cooper is worth the price of admission all by itself.
buy it and read it and know that Glenn Cooper is a small press treasure, one of the very best writing today.
buy it and read it and know that Glenn Cooper is a small press treasure, one of the very best writing today.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
new chap forthcoming...
my new chapbook A Sound To Drive Away The Coming Darkness is almost ready. I just saw the proof and the eternally 'awesome' leah and co. at Alternating Current and Propaganda Press did a fucking fantastic job. it looks great, and the layout is dandy. the cover art is by Cynthia again, a perfect photograph for the chap.

it'll cost six bucks plus $1.60 postage, send cash, check, money order [made out to alternating current] to alternating current, po box 398058, cambridge ma 02139 usa, and it's about thirty five or forty poems full of honest blood, gentle melancholy and low rumbling thunder. I'm sure if you emailed the Propaganda folks (alt.current[at]gmail[dot]com), they'd let you pre-order a copy (and they take PayPal). BONUS, you also get a free archival chap from their...archives (and I get some royalties off each sale, so make me a hundredaire). also, please to keep in mind that I'll have no author copies to throw around to you cheapskates, so you'll have to pony up the dough if you wanna read this bad boy. support the small presses of the world; it makes jesus smile.
you don't wanna make him cry do you?

it'll cost six bucks plus $1.60 postage, send cash, check, money order [made out to alternating current] to alternating current, po box 398058, cambridge ma 02139 usa, and it's about thirty five or forty poems full of honest blood, gentle melancholy and low rumbling thunder. I'm sure if you emailed the Propaganda folks (alt.current[at]gmail[dot]com), they'd let you pre-order a copy (and they take PayPal). BONUS, you also get a free archival chap from their...archives (and I get some royalties off each sale, so make me a hundredaire). also, please to keep in mind that I'll have no author copies to throw around to you cheapskates, so you'll have to pony up the dough if you wanna read this bad boy. support the small presses of the world; it makes jesus smile.
you don't wanna make him cry do you?
Saturday, November 22, 2008
fuck you suxby...
suxby chamblis is a dick, in case I've not mentioned it before.
we voted early and the lady at the polling place said turnout was high for a run off, so GO MARTIN!
we voted early and the lady at the polling place said turnout was high for a run off, so GO MARTIN!
Friday, November 14, 2008
fuck you suxby...
go here to help stop that fucker Suxby Chambliss from further fuckupery and general assholery.
seriously, he is an idiot. and if you support him:

seriously, he is an idiot. and if you support him:

Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Sunday, November 09, 2008
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
we may get you yet suxby...
screwy shit here in the 'peach state.'
fuck a runoff; let's count those votes people! seems like 600,00 up to possibly 2 MILLION? jesus, barack and martin may take georgia after all...
fuck a runoff; let's count those votes people! seems like 600,00 up to possibly 2 MILLION? jesus, barack and martin may take georgia after all...
president barack fucking hussein X, bitches...
eat it: assholes, racists, wingnuts, shitheads, fascists, corporate lackeys, yes men, ignorant bible thumping nutjobs, and etc.
from one of Teh Sadlies: "ZOMMFG!! This is better than when the Cubs lost! Their misery was so great I wanted to lick the screen, then; right now I wanna stick my head through the screen, into the NRO’s Bizarro World, and just point and laugh. A lot. Yes, their grief is my sustenance. Mmm cry some more, wingnuts! Your tears are so delicious! It’s not enough that we’ve won; what’s really sweet is that the forces of concentrated evil have LOST."
eat it: assholes, racists, wingnuts, shitheads, fascists, corporate lackeys, yes men, ignorant bible thumping nutjobs, and etc.
from one of Teh Sadlies: "ZOMMFG!! This is better than when the Cubs lost! Their misery was so great I wanted to lick the screen, then; right now I wanna stick my head through the screen, into the NRO’s Bizarro World, and just point and laugh. A lot. Yes, their grief is my sustenance. Mmm cry some more, wingnuts! Your tears are so delicious! It’s not enough that we’ve won; what’s really sweet is that the forces of concentrated evil have LOST."
Monday, November 03, 2008
the eve...
oh shit. here we go...
please people, let's make sure that eight years was PLENTY.
vote. remember that mccain is senile and palin is a fucking idiot of the highest order. do you want her to be president? of course not.
goodbye george, you asshole (oh and one last big GO FUCK YOURSELF to The Dick too).
please people, let's make sure that eight years was PLENTY.
vote. remember that mccain is senile and palin is a fucking idiot of the highest order. do you want her to be president? of course not.
goodbye george, you asshole (oh and one last big GO FUCK YOURSELF to The Dick too).