Friday, January 28, 2011

go buy this...

if you've not read anything by Brian McGettrick, then your life has been missing something, but you didn't even know it...that is, until now. and now that you know, you can remedy your sad state of affairs easily. how? well, go buy T H I S. that will do the trick.

you will not be disappointed, unless good fucking poetry disappoints you.

also available from the good people at Propaganda Press is poetic mainstay Doug Draime's new chapbook, a tough, semi-nostalgic look back thru the rock and roll heyday at one man's life called Rock & Roll Jizz and you can check it out H E R E.

go. buy. support the small presses of the world...

Thursday, January 13, 2011

one more thing, and one more...

thanks to Rusty Barnes, editor of Night Train, for taking one of my short stories, The Passage, which will appear sometime in the future...I'll post a link when it exists. plus: lightning fucking fast response time. jesus.

also: if you've not seen this broadside of mine for whatever reason, this one is the PURE SHIT, and you should buy it, just for the printmaking and artwork. Sean Lynch is a master. go H E R E and check it out. it's a beaut, but it's not the only one: H E R E are the other broadsides in the series, including work by Tony O'Neill, Hosho McCreesh and more.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

2011, eh?

great. good luck to us.

I took 2010 off from submitting, but I'm at it again. slowly at first, I think. we'll see how much I like it. the email/submishmash type thing is pretty good, better than all those years buying stamps and envelopes and making copies and etc., but also worse in that you lose the "effort" it takes, the dedication to the boring shit which goes along with writing/publishing. but after a while, publishing becomes a chore, so it's nice to be able to click it away into the ether. I'm sure oftentimes that ease creates a situation where folks send their stuff out so fast they've not even read it twice, but whatever; that's an editor's problem, I suppose.

there will be a new book soon, poems and artwork from the hardback edition of Sunlight by McCreesh and I, and at the first of 2012 a large collection of my poems spanning the last ten years along with a bunch of new work is scheduled to be released. more on both of these as they progress.

otherwise, we're digging out from a foot of snow and trying to keep our dogs from attacking and then eating us, purely out of boredom. the winter is quiet, and the snow is a fine crystal powder settled over dead grasses and the few remaining garden stalks are now hidden, waiting on the tractor in a few short months. the slate sky hangs motionless, clouds frozen in place, and the creek is nearly silenced with ice. it's a good time for art.

here's a recent one:

keeping our heads down

and dust
thru the
flicker of

stained glass patterns
upon the air.

someone coughs
another room.

a radio,
an honest-to-god
carries news
tragedy and crime,
and nationalistic triumph.

we’re at:



and a

of light.