Thursday, February 19, 2009

a study of my typewriter...

courtesy of Cynthia.

it's my horn, my piano, my sledgehammer...

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

cd mention...

at the Noot blog. note the typewriter in the picture; that's the actual machine where I waste my life.


maybe he just had some stubborn hard water stains and he needed something strong. like beryllium powder.

good job, Amber; one less terrified asshole in the world making life hellish for you and all the others who've had the misfortune of dealing with such a fine example of humanity. and also: what are you fucking idiot wingnuts so afraid of? don't you have many many high caliber weapons with which to defend your trailer and dirt farm, your PBR can collection and other varied holdings and assets? don't you have the safety and security of your mythology Jesus?

what's the deal? and like the late great Mr. Hicks said of advertisers: kill yourself. seriously. just kill yourself. you want out? you think the bad mens are coming to destroy your hillbilly towns and tree forts and barbecue grills and flags? then get out.

we chose the scary black man. get over it or get the fuck out, you unamerican sickos.

Monday, February 16, 2009

new posts...

over at my Six Sentences' blog. I like writing these things, and will be posting more of em over there.

don't know why I don't just do it here, now that I think on it...anyway, they're up if you wanna check em out.

Saturday, February 14, 2009


I have one extra contributor's copy of the unbelievably good Octothorp: a sunnyoutside reader and will mail it to the first person who asks for it (and I'll sign it if you ask real nice).

this little chap is one of the best reads I've come across lately, with the exception of my sorry poem (frankly david must've been drinking old antifreeze the day he took my poem, but that's his problem, isn't it?), so if you don't get this copy, you should buy one anyway.

you won't be disappointed.

UPDATE: sorry, it's now gone, kids.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


of A Sound To Drive Away The Coming Darkness over at Poethound.

thanks Paula! seems like folks enjoy this one...

Sunday, February 08, 2009

free giveaway for three bucks...

lots of people hate poetry readings, right? don't they? well, I do. it's why I don't do em. I'm not averse to poems being read, I just can't stand the public show, and generally don't care for crowds, people, public areas, etc. but the forthcoming book of letters by Hosho and I is going to feature a special edition which will include a cd of us reading excerpts from a few letters, backed by a freakish soundscape created by the Atlanta-based spacefunk supergroup Noot d'Noot, and while I was in the studio recording my parts of the letters, I also recorded about thirty poems.

that cd will be issued sometime in the future accompanied by a special chap with all the poems, but in the meantime, I've got an offer for you: for three bucks I'll send you a three poem cd excerpt from the Noot Sessions with the poems eclipse, struggling up and the hours that matter complete with strange, ethereal backing sounds from them Noot boys, along with a signed broadside of hours letterpress printed by Bill Roberts of Bottle of Smoke Press for the Guerilla Poetics Project broadside series (#5 from the GPP; check it out here).

if you care to mock my voice, you'll have to hear it first to be effective. so paypal (or email me for a cash-sending address) three bucks for postage and shit (I ain't rich) to thelastpoet[at]hotmail[dot]com along with your addy and I'll send you the three poem cd and the signed broadside to enjoy. maybe you'll be inspired to purchase A Sound To Drive Away The Coming Darkness after hearing the melodious tones of my magical southern voice,* as well as check out the galactic musical carnival that is Noot d'Noot.

three bucks. I'm cheap and easy.

*not responsible for any semi-religious ecstasy, uncontrollable mind crumping or explosive aural psychedelia you might experience.

I repeat...

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

sunnyoutside reader...

want something good to read? check out Octothorp #1: a sunnyoutside reader from one of the finest indy presses around, sunnyoutside.

here is the list of authors:

Taylor Altman
Alan Catlin
MRB Chelko
Christopher Cunningham
Nathan Graziano
Jason Heroux
Doug Holder
Tim Horvath
Richard Krech
Michael Kriesel
Hosho McCreesh
Brian McGettrick
Andrew Scott
Noel Sloboda
Jason Tandon
Andrew Taylor
William Taylor Jr.

I'm honored that David thought enough of my work to include me in this list of fine writers...Google some of those names if you want some excellent reading; but buy the book and support a fantastic publisher of diverse writers.

Tuesday, February 03, 2009


if you missed it, there's a copy of In Gambler's Blood for sale at

