this is the type of idea that should drive poets, painters, musicians, etc. if you are serious about making a living at what you do artistically. for me, it might include not only the little poem books, but the longer poem books, the stories, the paintings, etc. and it's the entire reason why I try to add a little extra to my chaps and such. it should drive us to constantly produce new and better work, since we hope to get it in the hands of those true fans.
it's a lot like the GPP in the sense that the
GPP tries to reach readers who are already predisposed to poetry in some way by targeting likely book purchases.
and it might not even need to be 1000 fans, it might only have to be half that number to support the work of an artist over the course of a year. it just means that the artist has to hustle on some level, mostly thru personal contact and the help of their friends (and true fans), if he/she doesn't want to spend their entire life in a factory or a cubicle. some folks hate the hustle (I know I do) but it is necessary if earning something from your
creation is at all important. there are ways.
one more gamble: the life of an artist.