Friday, May 28, 2010

one year anniversary of Sunlight

some good folks put this together for the one year anniversary of mine and Hosh's book of letters. makes it feel like the pages might ignite. thanks to Kim for all her hard work. you can still pick up one of the few remaining copies (I think there are about twenty left) HERE for about eleven bucks eight bucks. enjoy this book trailer for Sunlight at Midnight, Darkness at Noon.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

check it out...

some new photos of our produce over at our Veggie Ranch blog.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

hear this...

wanna hear my dulcet tones? check out the Orange Alert Podcast HERE. my stuff is around minute 19ish, with the Noot boys in the astral background...

Saturday, May 08, 2010

our greenhouse...

what fun...

Saturday, May 01, 2010

read this...

the new/old mag/internetmag Pig In A Poke is now live and I have some poems in it. check em out H E R E but be sure to read the rest, as there is some dandy work throughout.

the poems appeared initially in my book from sunnyoutside, Flowers In The Shadow Of The Storm, which featured a letterpressed, handpainted cover. there might be one or two copies of it left if you ask David nicely.