Thursday, July 26, 2007

check it out...

head over to the dandy indy arts blog What To Wear During An Orange Alert and read an interview with fellow GPP Founding Member and C. Allen Rearick (shown here:)

if you like, you can also read Orange Alert interviews with other GPP Poets: justin.barrett, Amanda Oaks, Kaveh Akbar, and yours truly.

amuse yourself for hours at The Generator Blog. how about your own Outlaw Biker name (I'm 'Shovelhead') or your own roflbot like the rearick pic above?

Monday, July 16, 2007

new broadsides...

I just got my May/June mailing from the GPP and the broadsides are truly stunning. I know there are those who might be confused about exactly what the GPP is/does, either thru deliberate misinformation or thru simple misunderstanding. please tell me where else but the Guerilla Poetics Project can you get, for two bucks a month, two fantastic poetry broadsides (plus extras for giving away to unsuspecting readers of literature) mailed to your house for an entire year that look like these:

letter pressed on a hand-fed 1914 C&P press by a craftsman who truly loves his work, designed by caring artists working hard to present the poems in a beautiful way, and given away to the public by Operatives who donate their time and money to make it all happen.

again, tell me: who else is doing anything like it? a non-profit gathering of artists and non-artists alike giving their hard-earned money and too-short time, who only want to further the place of poetry in the minds of the general reading public by giving away broadsides like those above. can you get anything like these broadsides print-on-demand anywhere? can you get em from an online "magazine?" can you print em on your home computer? cardstock, metal type and all? hell no you can't. it takes a collective expenditure of ink, sweat, treasure and great poetry to make happen. too often, small press people refuse to occasionally pay for a GOOD IDEA out of fear they might not personally benefit, and thus the small press remains small both in vision and its ability to reach readers. some small pressers think "the man" is keeping them from "hitting it big." not so. it is a combination of cultural apathy, the fragmentary online world, bottom line economics, a lack of imagination and many many other factors. the only way any of us semi-obscure writers have to "fight" the big box "man" is to subvert the publishing paradigm, not seek to join it. to use its strengths against it. together, we have the resources to produce something beautiful with a global reach that would elude each of us individually because of our own financial and time constraints.

besides, the GPP costs way less than the internet connection most of us use to send email each month. hell, it costs less than one fucking beer each month and you get a benefit no matter if you're a poet or just a reader/collector of literature. two bucks a month for a year. you also get to participate in actively furthering the reach of the small press as an entity and "fight the man" with great art produced by people who believe in it as something other than just a product.

Friday, July 13, 2007

be afraid?

if you've missed it, so says Chertoff's gut.

and also this jackass is afraid.

and then there's this.

well, what do you know, it is just this easy to make a nice, martial-law necessitating, radioactive boom-boom.

how much time is left to get my duct tape and plastic before Boss W and His Men come to check out our "papers" and make sure we're good Citizens?

thanks to everyone...

who comes here to the site and reads my crap. thanks to everyone who buys my books and supports the small press and its ranks of hard working publishers. thanks to those who publish my words in various forms. thanks to everyone who still believes in art as an expression of our humanity and a way to get at the truth of this miserable existence.

head over to Outside Writers Guild and read something I wrote about Outsiders. if you want.

Thursday, July 05, 2007

hey, you...

if you've had a chance to read Flowers In The Shadow Of The Storm, why not head over to and review it?

I'm sure it matters to some search engine somewhere, or to some other intertubes bullshit.

or, if you're in San Fran, stop by City Lights Books and pick up a copy of Flowers. makes it easy to enjoy some fine poetry in a fancy, handmade package.