lit update...
just had two poems taken ("the ride" and "blow wind blow") for the Poems For All series, they'll be #'s 741 and 742.
also had a poem taken by Quercus Review recently ("riding horses thru shallow water") which will appear in the forthcoming issue featuring a long section on the Guerilla Poetics Project.
forgot to post that I will have a couple of poems ("and the comet, and the moon" and "blue mouse") in Kaveh Akbar's great literary edition of The Quirk.
lastly, I will have my sunnyoutside book Flowers In The Shadow Of The Storm at the first of next week. the book is being bound, the letter pressed covers are finished, the fine paper of the guts have been printed, and the beast should ship on friday; then I'll paint the covers (one week's work probably), then you can buy one. easy. I'll post more when they are "officially" available from David.
UPDATE: turns out the measurements for the covers vs what the binder required was off by a red hair, and now poor David at sunnyoutside is going to have to reprint the letter pressed covers after reordering the fine grey textured cover stock and then resend the thing to the binder. so, put your drawers back on, it'll be a bit longer on this wonder of a book. more later, and all of you who've sent excited emails, I appreciate it.
also had a poem taken by Quercus Review recently ("riding horses thru shallow water") which will appear in the forthcoming issue featuring a long section on the Guerilla Poetics Project.
forgot to post that I will have a couple of poems ("and the comet, and the moon" and "blue mouse") in Kaveh Akbar's great literary edition of The Quirk.
lastly, I will have my sunnyoutside book Flowers In The Shadow Of The Storm at the first of next week. the book is being bound, the letter pressed covers are finished, the fine paper of the guts have been printed, and the beast should ship on friday; then I'll paint the covers (one week's work probably), then you can buy one. easy. I'll post more when they are "officially" available from David.
UPDATE: turns out the measurements for the covers vs what the binder required was off by a red hair, and now poor David at sunnyoutside is going to have to reprint the letter pressed covers after reordering the fine grey textured cover stock and then resend the thing to the binder. so, put your drawers back on, it'll be a bit longer on this wonder of a book. more later, and all of you who've sent excited emails, I appreciate it.
Congrats bro, on all accounts... can't wait to get my hands on a copy of that book...
I for one am looking foward to the Quirk.
Me too!!!
We just accepted a poem from Don Winter... it's gonna be a fucking beastly stack of words... sort of like your sunnyoutside book promises to be!
all this effusive bullshit. go get a room you two.
though, to be honest, i really am looking forward to both CC's book and The Quirk.
but, still...."i love you"..."no, i love you more"'s sickening. :)
oh. my. god.
it's jb. I think I love you the mostest.
me toosiest!
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