you gotta fight the bastards...

any of you poets out there who've not yet subbed to Fight These Bastards should do so quickly. they are on their fourth issue and the editors pick some great writing. they disdain the academic world and prefer the hard edge of real life.
and if you've the goods, they are currently running their chapbook contest, submit 16-23 poems with a SASE and $12 (check/mo payable to Fight These Bastards); pays $50 and 50 copies and your twelve bucks gets you a copy of the winner even if you don't quite get there. past publications include Lyn Lifshin and Mark Wisniewski
submit to:
2007 Evil Genius Chapbook Series
c/o Platonic 3Way Press
P.O. Box 844
Warsaw, IN 46581
do it, and if not, at least check out an issue for $4. worth the change...
the closest i'll get to a FTB issue is purchasing one (which i'll probably end up doing)....been rejected three times already.
they ARE very selected....or, actually, they have moderately high standards...
yep, been rejected twice so far, and am about to send off my third rejection tomorrow...
plus a chap ms to be rejected in the future...
hey, jb if you want my issue I'll send along, just let me know.
I've got all three issues, FTB is far and away my favorite zine that I've read, and not just because I know Henn. It's so refreshing to see a zine that actually has a consistent character, personality all the way through. Having said that, I have got no chance of getting pubbed in that any time soon. Ho-hum.
sounds like they're very very elite....which is what i'm against! :)
therefore, i'm done with it!!!!
just kidding...
good luck on your sub, CC...and yeah, send the issue along with your next letter....
i thought about entering the chapbook contest, but i can use the $12 for better's definitely a waste if i can't get into the magazine, you know?
good luck...
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