my new baby...

watch your ass, trees...
in another couple weeks we're gonna get the soil turned then lay out our beds/rows. I'm gonna use that orange sucker to chop up a bunch of the downed trees on the property and make our poles and "A" frames for the garden. we've already started, from all asheville heirloom and organic seeds, leeks, lemon cukes, marketmore cukes, new mexico big jim and california golden wonder peppers, genovese and purple dark opal basil, ronde de nice and black beauty zukes, early golden squash, a bunch of lettuces and spinach plus some killer tomatoes we hope stand up to the prevalent blight that struck last year: sundrop, brown cherry, green grape, snow white, cherry, cherokee purple, cherry sweetie, yellow pear, some tomatillos, green zebra. we're gonna get our potatoes going as soon as I build the bins and we're gonna direct seed a shitload of beans: rattlesnake, royal burgundy, cherokee wax, black turtle, limas, etc. plus some scarlet nantes carrots, edisto melons, moon and stars and sugar baby watermelons, red burgundy okra...
I still need to buy seed for broccoli, cabbage, corn and a few other things, plus get our pest control working in the form of diatomaceous earth, beneficial insects, BT, serenade, specific flowers, heavy mulching with grass clippings, etc...
we've started our kick ass compost heap and know where we're gonna get our soil amendments ready to go. I'll be posting pictures as things unfold. we plan on taking our veggies and art (I'll take my books like Flowers and Sunlight and Animal Life plus watercolors of asheville and cyn will take photos and crafts and beautiful handmade earrings) to market this year and seeing what's what. the working name of the thing is Stella B's Vegetable Ranch and Art Bazaar. it's a lot of fun...
it's all just an excuse though to buy a chainsaw and cut some shit up with a loud power tool.
oh, and it came with a hat.
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